Symposium Mensch-Sein mit Algorithmen | Being Human with Algorithms
The German Chapter of the ACM turns 50 this year. Celebrate with us! (Conference language will be English.)
Under the motto "Mensch-Sein mit Algorithmen / Being Human with Algorithms" we want to discuss effects of the digital transformation to our society with you! This topic affects us all.
Exciting talks around digitalization, artificial intelligence, autonomous driving, big data, blockchain, and more.
- Dr. Vint Cerf (Google) (Turing Award 2004) - unfinished Internet
- Martin Arend (BMW) Driving and Being Driven: shaping the future of mobility
- Katharine Jarmul (KIProtect) - Artificial Intelligence: Not an Infallible God
- Prof. Dr. h.c. mult. Peter Weibel (ZKM) - Digital Cultural Techniques
- Bernd Lintermann (ZKM) - Introduction to the ZKM exposition in the Foyer
- Prof. Dr. Michael Strube (HITS) - The Dark Side of NLP: Chances and Risks of Natural Language Processing
- Prof. Dr. Martin Hellman (Stanford) (Turing Award 2015) - Challenges in Making Ethical Decisions: A Personal Perspective
- Prof. Dr. Alexander Filipović (Hochschule für Philosophie) - Algorithmizität als moralische Herausforderung. Philosophische Überlegungen zur Gestaltung digitaler Gesellschaften
- Prof. Dr. Franziska Boehm (Leibniz-Institute for Information Infrastructure) - Regulation of algorithms and blockchain applications
- Reception of the ACM Europe
- Satellite exhibition of the Zentrum für Kunst und Median Karlsruhe in the Foyer
Here you can register and book your hotel and apply for free tickets.