Yoshua Bengio on AI Safety
GS - GS 2024-07-21 Recognized worldwide as one of the leading experts in artificial intelligence, Yoshua Bengio is most known for his pioneering work in deep learning, earning him the 2018 A.M. Turing Award, “the Nobel Prize of Computing,” with Geoffrey Hinton and Yann LeCun. He is a Full Professor at Université de Montréal, and the Founder […]

GS - 2022-01-26 Article from ACM TechNews An artificial intelligence (AI) technique developed by researchers at the U.K.’s University of the West of Scotland (UWS) can diagnose COVID-19 in a matter of minutes, versus two hours for a PCR test. Using x-ray technology, the technique compares scans to a database of about 3,000 images of healthy people, […]

Interview with Sarah Engel on Trusted AI
GS - 2022-01-14 Sarah Engel is managing consultant and team lead for trustworthy AI at IBM. She advises her clients on innovation projects around artificial intelligence. Gerhard Schimpf (GS): Sarah, thank you so much for agreeing to an interview for our ongoing blog about Being Human with Algorithms. You may want to introduce yourself and give us […]

AI Predicts Asymptomatic Carriers of Covid-19
GS - 2021-02-02 Researchers at technology company Synergies Intelligent Systems and Germany’s Universität Hamburg have developed a machine learning algorithm that can identify which people in a moving crowd are most likely asymptomatic carriers of Covid-19. The continuous learning and inference of individual probability (CLIIP) algorithm bases its predictions on global positioning system (GPS)-tracked movement of people […]

Life in the automated society
GS - 2020-10-28 “Life in the automated society: How automated decision-making systems became mainstream, and what to do about it.” Today, Oct 28th 2020, the Bertelsmann Stiftung released an extensive report on the deployment of Automated Decision-Making (ADM) systems in the EU. For the report they investigated 16 EU countries, 40+ people were involved, with 30+ researchers […]

Axel Honsdorf Detail 2: Wir sprechen über Konferenz-Voyeurismus.
mop - Wir sprechen über Konferenz-Voyeurismus. Ass. jur. Axel Honsdorf leistet als Geschäftsführer von BayFrance einen entscheidenden Beitrag zur Bayerisch-Französischen Zusammenarbeit in Forschung und Lehre. Unter folgenden Links können Sie das Gesamtinterview sowie die Detail-Features abrufen: Corona – Special mit Axel Honsdorf (BayFrance, TUM) (2020-03-23, DE) Ein weiteres Corona-Special. Diesmal mit Axel Honsdorf. Ass. jur. Axel Honsdorf […]

Informatikethik – Interview mit Thomas Matzner über sein neues Buch
GS - Thomas Matzner ist freiberuflicher Business Analyst und den Mitgliedern des German Chapter oft he ACM als ehemaliger Chairman bekannt. Gerhard Schimpf hat ihn über sein neues Buch – Informatikethik – befragt. Gerhard Schimpf (GS):Thomas, im Januar erschien dein Buch “Informatikethik”. Was hat dich als Informatiker motiviert, dich in ein so komplexes Thema einzuarbeiten und eine […]

Emmanuel Bricard (CIO e.l.m. leblanc): An early adopter perspective (2019-09-05, EN)
mop - Emmanuel Bricard is Chief Information Officer (CIO) at e.l.m. leblanc, France, which belongs to the Bosch Group. He is not only a technology expert but also holds an MBA degree. Emmanuel is an early adopter of information technology. He calls himself a father with a HoloLens. In the talk we cover many interesting topics from […]

Being Human with Algorithms: ChristianThiel and DominikGolle (zd.b) (EN, 2019-11-19)
mop - In this episode we discuss about privacy, responsibility, law enforcement, and many more highly interesting aspects of the digital transformation. Enjoy! Christian Thiel (https://www.christianthiel.com) and Dominik Golle are responsible fot the topic platform “Verbraucherbelange in der Digitalisierung” (https://zentrum-digitalisierung.bayern/verbraucherbelange ) at the zd.b (center for digitization Bavaria https://zentrum-digitalisierung.bayern/). In his PhD, Christian Thiel taught machine learning […]

Being Human with Algorithms:Thorben Albrecht (DE, 2019-11-16)
mop - Thorben Albrecht has been the Social Democratic party (SPD)’s federal manager since 2018. He was previously State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs from 2014 to 2018. A historian by training, he headed Andrea Nahles’ office from 2007 to 2011 and then the politics department of the SPD Executive Committee from […]

Mensch-Sein mit Algorithmen: Prof. Kerstin Schneider
mop - Dr. Kerstin Schneider ist Professorin an der Hochschule Harz in Wernigerode. Sie arbeitet im Fachbereich Automatisierung und Informatik im Bereich der Datenbanken. Das Interview fand am 24. September 2018 im Rahmen des Heidelberg Laureate Forum in Heidelber statt. Marc-Oliver Pahl: Kerstin, die Zuschauer kennen dich vielleicht noch nicht. Möchtest du dich bitte kurz vorstellen? […]

Being Human with Algorithms: Robert Tarjan
mop - The Digital Transformation is currently changing all aspects of our lives fundamentally. In this series I discuss with people about their personal experiences regarding this Digital Transformation. This episode: Robert Tarjan, Turing Award Winner (“Nobel Price” for Informatics): 1986 for fundamental achievements in the design and analysis of algorithms and data structures. More info about […]

Whitfield Diffie (EN, 2018-09-26)
mop - The Digital Transformation is currently changing all aspects of our lives fundamentally. In this series I discuss with people about their personal experiences regarding this Digital Transformation. This episode: Whitfield Diffie, Turing Award Winner (“Nobel Price” for Informatics): 2015 for fundamental contributions to modern cryptography. More about him: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whitfield_Diffie The interview took place at the […]

Steve Cook (EN, 2018-09-26)
mop - The Digital Transformation is currently changing all aspects of our lives fundamentally. In this series I discuss with people about their personal experiences regarding this Digital Transformation. This episode: Steve Cook, Turing Award Winner (“Nobel Price” for Informatics): 1982 for his contributions to complexity theory. More about him: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Cook. The interview took place at the […]

Tony Hoare (EN, 2018-09-25)
mop - The Digital Transformation is currently changing all aspects of our lives fundamentally. In this series I discuss with people about their personal experiences regarding this Digital Transformation. This episode: Sir Tony Hoare, Turing Award Winner (“Nobel Price” for Informatics): 1980 for fundamental contributions to the definition and design of programming languages. More about him: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Hoare […]

Making Ethical Decisions: “How I Screwed Up, and How To Avoid It”.
GS - 5.7.2019 „Challenges in Making Ethical Decisions: A Personal Perspective” was the title of the talk which Martin Hellman gave during our Being-Human with Algorithms Symposium last year in Heidelberg. Two days ago he held the “Heidelberg Lecture” on invitation by this year’s meeting of the Nobel laureates in Lindau. Both meetings, the Heidelberg Laureate Forum […]

Eine Magna Charta für das Netz
GS - Man muss nicht an künstliche Intelligenz denken, um herauszufinden, dass es aktuell die in den letzten 50 Jahren herangewachsene Technologie des Internets ist, die unseren Alltag und unsere Privatsphäre massiv beeinflusst. Die gut gemeinten Absichten der Gründungsväter, die ein Instrument erschaffen wollten, das der Menschheit dient und zum besseren gegenseitigen Verständnis verhilft, das hilft wissenschaftliche […]

Unser Symposium 2018 war ein voller Erfolg!
mop - Die so genannte Digitale Transformation ist allgegenwärtig und unumkehrbar. Sie betrifft alle Bevölkerungsschichten und Lebensbereiche. Der zentrale Begriff “Algorithmus” wird dabei in letzter Zeit oftmals reduziert auf eine negative konnotierte Interaktion zwischen Mensch und Maschine. Eigentlich ist ein Algorithmus aber etwas neutrales, eine Berechnungsvorschrift wie sie Menschen seit vielen Jahrhunderten anwenden. Zur Förderung des Dialogs […]

Our symposium 2018 was a great success!
mop - The so-called Digital Transformation is omnipresent and irreversible. It affects all strata of the population and all areas of life. The central term “algorithm” has recently been reduced to a negative connoted interaction between man and machine. Actually, an algorithm is something neutral, a calculation rule that humans have been using for many centuries. To […]

Bioinformatics: Gerhard Schimpf interviews Sebastian Schultheiss
GS - Sebastian J. Schultheiss is Managing Director of Computomics Molecular Data Analysis in Tübingen, Germany. His company specializes in applied bioinformatics, specifically for agricultural applications like plant breeding to improve crops. Gerhard Schimpf (GS): Sebastian, thank you for agreeing to an interview about our topic Being Human with Algorithms. Could you introduce yourself and give us […]

Marc Oliver Pahl interviews Àlex Rodríguez Bacardit (Digital Entrepreneur)
mop - Àlex Rodríguez Bacardit is the founder of Marsbased, a fully digital company with literally no physical office. He is also the regional director of Startup Grind Barcelona. Marc-Oliver Pahl: Àlex it’s a great pleasure having you today on the interview. We are running the symposium “Being Human with Algorithms” “Mensch-Sein mit Algorithmen” as you know. […]

Marc-Oliver Pahl interviewt Achim Killer (ARD)
mop - Achim Killer ist Journalist für die ARD und befasst sich insbesondere mit Themen der IT Sicherheit. Marc-Oliver Pahl (mop): Mensch sein mit Algorithmen, heute mit Achim Killer, Journalist der ARD Mop: Lieber Herr Killer, es freut mich sehr, dass Sie heute da sind und zum Thema Mensch-Sein mit Algorithmen das Interview mit mir machen. Vielleicht […]

Interview mit Michael Mörike
GS - Michael Mörike ist Physiker und hat 54 Jahre Erfahrung im Bereich der IT. Zurzeit ist er Vorstand der Integrata Stiftung in Tübingen. Ihn beschäftigt die Auswirkung der KI auf unsere Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft sowie die damit verbundenen Fragestellungen der Ethik. Gerhard Schimpf hat ihn zum Thema digitale Transformation befragt. Gerhard Schimpf (GS): Lieber Herr […]

Gerhard Schimpf im Interview mit Jonas Bedford-Strohm
GS - Jonas Bedford-Strohm ist Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl Medienethik der Hochschule für Philosophie (München) und am Zentrum für Ethik der Medien und der digitalen Gesellschaft (zem::dg). Er erforscht die ethischen Implikationen technologischer Disruptionen und untersucht den Einfluss des digitalen Strukturwandels der Öffentlichkeit auf die Institutionen der liberalen Demokratie. Jonas Bedford-Strohm ist Journalist, Wissenschaftler, Gründer und Berater […]

Interview with Taras Panchenko about the Digital Future
GS - Taras Panchenko is the chair of the Ukrainian ACM chapter, President of the Hackathon Expert Group and member of the CECL subcommittee of the ACM Europe Council. He says he is a life lover, a world changer, and breakthrough inspirer. Gerhard Schimpf (GS): Taras, I appreciate that you volunteered for this interview about the Symposium […]

Interview with Mashhuda Glencross about the Digitization
GS - Mashhuda Glencross is a research consultant in computer graphics, xR and human computer interaction. She is director of research and development at Pismo Software Ltd. and SwitchThat Technologies Ltd. Mashhuda is active in several ACM groups. Currently she is the Vice-Chair of the Committee of European ACM Chapter leaders (CECL), a subcommittee of the ACM […]

Do you want to shape the Digital Transformation, or should it shape you?
mop - Dear reader, the Digital Transformation is unstoppable. We interact with algorithms every day – voluntarily and involuntarily. Sometimes this is good for us, sometimes it is not. In each case we cannot escape this reality. Not only in our [0] blog [1] but also in the real world [2] we want to shape the Digital Transformation […]

Gespräch mit Thomas Matzner über die digitale Transformation
GS - Thomas Matzner ist ehemaliger Chairman des German Chapter of the ACM. Beim Symposium Mensch-Sein mit Algorithmen wird er das Panel moderieren. Gerhard Schimpf hat ihn zum Thema digitale Transformation befragt. Gerhard Schimpf (GS): Thomas, vielen Dank, dass Du Dich für ein Interview über das Themengebiet unseres Symposiums zur Verfügung gestellt hast. Einige Leser kennen […]

Being Human with Algorithms: Marc-Oliver Pahl interviews Vinton G. Cerf
mop - Vinton G. Cerf co-designed the TCP/IP protocols and the architecture of the Internet and is Chief Internet Evangelist for Google. He is a member of the National Science Board and National Academy of Engineering and Foreign Member of the British Royal Society and Swedish Royal Academy of Engineering, and Fellow of ACM, IEEE, AAAS, and […]

Wenn Technologie allein alles bestimmt, können wir nur in den Wald ziehen …
RS - “Mythen der Digitalisierung” war der Titel eines Vortrags, der mich auf Prof. Sascha Friesike aufmerksam machte. Sascha Friesike forscht als Assitant Professor am KIN Center for Digital Innovation der VU Universität Amsterdam und als assoziierter Forscher am Alexander von Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft in Berlin. Seine Forschung beschäftigt sich damit, wie Neues entsteht, […]

Interview with Katharine Jarmul about the Digitization
GS - Katharine Jarmul is a data scientist and co-founder of KIProtect, a data security and privacy company for data science workflows in Berlin, Germany. She researches and is passionate about ethical machine learning, data privacy and information security. Gerhard Schimpf (GS): Katharine, thank you very much that you accepted our invitation to speak at our Symposium […]

Gespräch mit Haio Röckle über die digitale Transformation
GS - Haio Röckle ist Mathematiker und Professor an der Fachhochschule Ludwigshafen am Rhein. Zurzeit leitet er als Dekan den Fachbereich Dienstleistungen und Consulting. Für das German Chapter of the ACM organisiert er die jährliche IT-Security live Konferenz mit. Gerhard Schimpf hat ihn zum Thema digitale Transformation befragt. Gerhard Schimpf (GS): Haio, vielen Dank, dass Du Dich […]

Being Human with Algorithms: Marc-Oliver Pahl interviews Martin Hellman
mop - Martin Hellman is best known for his role in inventing public key cryptography, the technology that enables secure Internet transactions. He also has contributed to the computer privacy debate, and was a key participant in the “first crypto war” of the late 1970s. He has authored over seventy technical papers, twelve US patents and a […]

Artist Manfred Mohr talks about the Digital Transformation
GS - Manfred Mohr is an internationally renowned pioneer of digital art. He was one of the first artists to replace brushes and canvas with computers and plotters. Among his numerous awards is the ACM SIGGRAPH Distinguished Artist Award for Lifetime Achievement in Digital Art, which he received in 2013. He was honored by the ZKM / […]

Being Human with Algorithms: Marc-Oliver Pahl interviews Alan Kay
mop - Alan Kay is best known for pioneering personal and laptop computers, and the inventions of the now ubiquitous overlapping-window interface (GUI), and modern object-oriented programming, as part of the larger Advanced Research Projects Agency and Xerox PARC research communities. He likes to say “No one owes more to his research community than I do”. His […]

Mensch Sein mit Algorithmen: Marc-Oliver Pahl interviewt Albert Endres
mop - Marc-Oliver Pahl (MOP): Lieber Herr Endres, ich freue mich ganz besonders, Sie als Gründungsmitglied des German Chapter of the ACM heute interviewen zu dürfen. Bitte stellen Sie sich unseren Lesern kurz vor. Albert Endres (AE): Seit 1956 befasse ich mich mit Computern, und zwar zuerst mit der IBM 650 als Austauschstudent in den USA. […]

Mensch Sein mit Algorithmen: Marc-Oliver Pahl interviewt Peter Weibel und Bernd Lintermann
mop - Am 23.3.2018 waren Marc-Oliver Pahl [1], Olivia Mackowiak [2, 3] und Gerhard Schimpf [4] von Mensch-Sein mit Algorithmen zu Gast im Zentrum für Kunst und Medien (ZKM) in Karlsruhe [5]. Marc-Oliver nutzte die Gelegenheit, seine Interviewserie zum Thema “Mensch-Sein mit Algorithmen: Marc-Oliver Pahl interviewt …” zu beginnen. Das Ergebnis ist ein wunderbares Interview mit Peter […]